Cracking the Code of Kabaddi Rules

Cracking the Code of Kabaddi Rules: Points, Raids, and Fouls

Cracking the Code of Kabaddi Rules: Points, Raids, and Fouls


Unlock the world of Kabaddi rules with ease, simplifying this dynamic contact sport passionately played across Asia. This guide demystifies fundamental Kabaddi rules, team dynamics, scoring essentials, and rule infringements.


Basic Kabaddi Rules Unveiled:


To navigate Kabaddi successfully, grasping these core rules is essential. Begin by deciding which team starts through a coin toss.

To initiate a game, there are straightforward methods to choose the starting team. You can roll a dice, guess a number, or have an impartial referee think of one.


If your team goes first, send a “raider” across the midline.

Kabaddi becomes exhilarating when two teams take turns dispatching their “raiders” into enemy territory. The raider’s mission? Tag opposing team members and safely return within 30 seconds while continuously chanting “Kabaddi.” Each tagged opponent awards one point if the raider gets back safely.


Important note: Raiders must maintain the “Kabaddi” chant until they return. No chant means no points! Teams take turns raiding, and going out of order results in a point for the opposing team.


If your team defends, thwart the raider.

When your team isn’t raiding first, you become an “anti-raider” or “stopper.” Your task? Prevent the raider from crossing the midline using any means necessary – tackling or holding, but only on their body, not their clothes or hair.


Alternate between raiding and defending.

The game unfolds in two 20-minute halves with a 5-minute break. Teams take turns raiding and defending. The team with the most points at full-time emerges victorious.


Send players out for various reasons:

Players can momentarily exit the game under specific conditions. Remember, replacements are only for those currently not on the bench. Players go out when:


They’re tagged by the raider and he returns safely.

A raider gets caught without crossing the midline.

Someone steps over the boundary lines.

A team fails three consecutive raids.

A defender enters the raider’s side before they can officially raid.

“Revive” players by getting an opponent out:

When an opponent gets out, your team can revive a previously ousted player. Players must be revived in the order they went out, or it’s a point for the other side.


Advanced Scoring Kabaddi Rules:


Attain a “Super Tackle” by getting the raider out:

If your defending team has fewer than three players but still halts the raider, you earn a “super tackle” point. This adds to the point for getting the raider out, totaling two points for that play.


General Kabaddi Scoring Rules:


Raiding players score points by tagging opponents and returning safely.

Tackling a raider earns one point for the defending team.

Eliminating all opponents brings two extra points through an “all-out” or “Lona.”

Safe returns without points are “empty raids.”

Bonus points are awarded if a raider steps on the bonus line.

Going out of bounds or struggling results in a point and revival.

Tied knockout games lead to a mini-match and, if needed, sudden-death Golden Raid and a coin toss.


Kabaddi Offense Rules:


In Kabaddi, the defending team gets a point when a raider:


Chants the wrong word during a raid.

Starts chanting late or goes out of order.

Raiders or defenders enter wrongly.

Revived players take more than ten seconds.

Players intentionally get out to force revival, earning the opposing team extra points.

These straightforward Kabaddi rules ensure an electrifying and equitable game of this vibrant sport.

Pro Kabaddi Teams