Beginner's Guide to Kabaddi

Beginner’s Guide to Kabaddi: Rules, Strategies, and Team Roles

Beginner’s Guide to Kabaddi: Rules, Strategies, and Team Roles


Are you curious about Kabaddi, the action-packed sport with a rich history? In this beginner’s guide, we’ll delve deeper into the rules, strategies, and player roles in Kabaddi.


What is Kabaddi?


Kabaddi is an ancient sport originating in India, and it’s now gaining global popularity. The Pro Kabaddi League, established in 2014, has attracted millions of viewers worldwide.


Objective of Kabaddi


The primary goal in Kabaddi is simple: score more points than the opposing team. Points are earned through raids and effective defense.


Team Composition


A Kabaddi team consists of 12 players, but only 7 are on the field at any given time. Players alternate between offense (raiding) and defense, making it essential to have a versatile skill set.


Kabaddi Field


The size of the Kabaddi field varies for men and women. In professional men’s Kabaddi, it measures 43×33 feet, while for women, it’s 39×26 feet. In casual games, you can be flexible with field size.


Key Field Lines


Midline: Divides the field into two halves.

Baulk Lines: Positioned 13 feet from the midline on both sides.

Bonus Lines: Located 3 feet behind the Baulk lines, coming into play when the defending team has 6 or 7 players.

Game Start


A coin toss decides which team raids or defends first. This choice can have a strategic impact on the game.


Kabaddi Rules


Raiders can only be tagged by grabbing their limbs or torso, not their clothes or hair.

Achieving a “Lona” occurs when one team eliminates the other completely, earning two extra points.

A “super tackle” point is awarded to the defending team if they effectively tackle the raider.

The game is overseen by six officials, including umpires, scorers, and a referee.

Advanced Techniques


Professional players employ advanced maneuvers like the Scorpio Kick, Frog Jump, and Dubki. These moves demand agility and speed.


The Kabaddi Raid


A Kabaddi raid involves one player from the attacking team crossing the midline to tag defenders. The raider must chant “Kabaddi” and touch opponents within 30 seconds while striving to return safely.


Team Positions


Raider: The raider’s primary role is to score points by tagging defenders during a raid. Each member of the team takes turns raiding.


Defenders: The defending team has diverse roles. Covers protect star raiders, Ins form defensive chains, and Corners are often targeted by raiders. They employ techniques such as thigh holds and dashes.


Deepening your understanding of Kabaddi rules and player positions adds to the excitement of this dynamic sport.

Pro Kabaddi Teams


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